Wednesday, July 28, 2010

bye bye austin

i got turned down by the company in austin, but got hired by the one in houston. i have another interview next week in houston. i guess i really dont have a choice but to go back to houston now.

well, technically i can turn down the job offer, and keep hunting for positions in austin. brave thing to do, not the smartest thing to do. there isnt that many openings in austin... the offer in houston isnt bad. i dont think there will be anything that is significantly better than that.

im really bummed, even though i should be happy because there are so many people who envy me because i have an offer.

i dont want to leave austin. i dont want to be separated from louis, and i dont want to leave any of my pets. (speaking of pets, i still dont know which one(s) i should keep....)

when i got the interview with the austin company, i had such high hopes. i went from having no hope of staying in austin to decorating the austin apartment in my head, to rock bottom... its the worst feeling ever.

im moving next week. bye bye austin, i will miss you.

止まらない時間が いつか二人引き離すなら
もっと 君 見たいよ ずっと 抱きしめてたいよ
time is slipping away

|| [ 雪子 ] ||

Monday, July 26, 2010

job hunt

im done with both interview offers. Now, the wait begins.

I dont feel that i did particularly well in either of them. so i was surprised to receive a call from the first interviewer today, asking questions about my transcript and saying that things are in my favorite. well, either way, i will have their decision tomorrow or the day after.

the second company, like the first, is also in a hurry to have the position filled. they will have their decision by the end of the week.

i like the second company better. the team seems very relaxed and close. the work is flexible, and i suspect the pay would be better than the first. plus its in austin.

waiting period sucks. i just want to know the result, good or bad.

|| [ 雪子 ] ||

Sunday, July 25, 2010


he hasnt called since the argument. he doesnt call often even when we are not arguing. i dont expect him to call now, but i wish he would.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I have hit a all time low with DotA.

he plays it every. single. day.

yes i understand that he goes to class in the morning, goes to work in the afternoon, comes home tired in the evening, still has to exercise, then dinner. so he needs to relax. yes i can understand how video games can be relaxing. it can be even more addicting.

not saying that he cant play DotA, but there are other ways to relax and unwind after a long day. is it REALLY necessary to play it everyday???? EVERY FUCKING DAY? yeah ok weekdays hes tired and he wants to play. well what about weekends? what does he say about weekends? oh its the weekend and so and so is here so we want to play.


he complains that i also play games. yes, i play why do i play? because im fucking bored and my boyfriend rather spend time playing DotA with his friends than spending time with me.

so. why is this bothering NOW? why the all time low NOW? because this weekend, im away from him. now, remember, he plays this when im there. fine, ok, im there in the same room, even tho his not talking to me, hes still there to (sorta) keep me company (i guess..). so now im not there, does anything change? No.

now im not there, he says, you are not even here, why cant i play??

um.. thats because he cant talk to on the phone (earlier the same day, "sorry im playing DotA i will call you later"), and he cant talk to me online. i thought, if im not there, we should give more effort to communicate and be closer. but, apparently thats not the case.

why cant he play when im not even there? thats not the issue. he plays regardless of where i am. today, he just showed me CLEARLY that DotA, a fucking computer game, is more important than spending time with me.

... and we are suppose to try having a long distance relationship..? yeah, good luck with that. how about, he dates DotA, and im out.

im not saying, its either DotA or me. i just cant get over how he denies hes addicted, but chooses DotA over me day after day, regardless of where i am. im so tired of his shit.

|| [ 雪子 ] ||