Wednesday, November 10, 2010

caucasianize me

due to my lack of activities, i have been reading beauty blogs more than usual recently. i have noticed that many white girls believe asians are trying to be white. HA! reminds me of that stupid tyra bank show.

how ignorant.

|| [ double eye lid ] ||

double eye lid is not foreign to asian population. a significant percentage of asians have natural double eye lids. double eye lid makes the eye appear larger and more focused. because of the high fat deposit on monolids, they just naturally appear heavier and smaller. so then, how is it that getting double eye lid surgery "trying to be white" if double eye lid is naturally inherited in asians as well? moreover, double eye lid is popular simply because it fits the asian definition of "beauty" - bigger eyes.

|| [ big eyes ] ||

oh wait, wanting bigger eyes is also trying to be white... because white people have bigger eyes...? big eyes = beauty is a universal concept, not restricted in just white or asian culture. across all race, girls accentuate their eyes the most. even back in ancient egypt, royalties accentuated their eyes using black eyeliner. so why is wanting bigger eyes "trying to be white"? hmm....

|| [ tall nose ] ||

nose situates in the center of the face. it is the most important figure that gives the face dimension, aside from cheekbones. a flat nose makes the whole face look flat. and nobody wants a flat face with no dimension. but, dont flatter yourselves ignorant white people, nobody wants your jewish hooked nose either.

|| [ whitening ] ||

i suppose this is the most misunderstood concept in asian beauty. to most asians, this is simple to understand. it breaks down to two parts.
1. white skins means high society standing back in the days when people had to work in fields for their food. white skin means lack of labor in the sun.
2. white skin = purity. simplicity. the fundamentals of asian aesthetics.

i can only say, white people who thinks asians are trying to "caucasianize" themselves are simply arrogant. they pretend to understand asian beauty, but only bullcrap come out when they open their mouths.

|| [ 雪子 ] ||

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


chillax. not my marriage. just, marriage. in general terms. or, more specifically, gay marriage. the fact that homosexual couples cant legally be married in all but 5 states in the us is nothing less than shocking to me.

most anti-gay marriage supporters are religion. no surprise there. most arguments against gay marriage are religious in nature. no surprise there either. so, god intend marriage to be the holy matrimony between a man and a woman. yeah fair enough. so the argument is valid, as long as the couple marries in the church. needless to say, the church does not recognize same sex couples as marriage. fair enough.

one thing people often forget is that, the church also does not recognize opposite sex non-believer as married. well, no, they wont say that straight out. but that is the truth. to be married in the church, one must be a member of the church. so, screw whatever your marriage certificate says, that piece of paper has no power under this roof.

so then, comes the concept of civil marriage. marriage under law. atheists, agnostics, whatever else non religious members of the society calls themselves, are married according to law. so then, why do the marriage atheists seek be religious in nature? can it not be a simple union between two people, a vow of love, for life? because when it comes down to it, marriage is just that simple.

if civil marriage should have no religious flavor in it what so ever, then what is keeping homosexual marriage from being legal? family planning. most people believe that kids raised in a homosexual family will be "screwed up". i see no data to back this up. HA, more like, i have not researched any data to say if this is true or not.

so my rambling stops here. the fight for gay marriage is long. wont be easy. but will be worth it.

|| [ 雪子 ] ||

Monday, November 8, 2010


one thing i regret is that i wasnt enough of a friend to support you. thats what being a good friend is, right? to support each other through life's ups and downs. to support each other's decision, to support the outcome of each decision.

i knew this. ive always known this. i heard the voice in the back of my head. i just wasnt supportive enough, strong enough to put down my own judgmental opinions to support what you have chosen for yourself. if i was a true friend, i shouldve given you my honest opinion, then supported you for whatever you choose. instead of leaving you behind when things dont go my way. how selfish of me.

this is why, from now on, i want to support you. i want to be there with you no matter what you decide to do. i want to give you my honest opinion. i dont want you to feel that you are obligated to share everything with me, because i know there are tender spots, dark moments, gentle times that you want to keep to yourself. and that is ok. because i love you.


|| [ 雪子 ] ||

Sunday, November 7, 2010

wisdom teeth

i was super excited to get my wisdom teeth out. it is the first step of my complete mouth transformation. second step would be braces... but we will get there when we get there.

i literally remember nothing of the surgery. they sat me down, asked me about the scar on my arm as they put the IV in. i said it was from my cat and and i have 2 cats. the dentist then said, oh you dont like dogs? i said, i like dogs too, i have a pomeranian. he said thats a cat in a dog's coat. haha. then he started giving me anesthesia shots in my mouth. thats the last thing i remember.

when i woke up, i was in the same chair and the same position (or so i think). i had no idea how much time has passed. i tried to get up but i was extremely dizzy. so i ended up on the floor. the assistants had to help me walk to a resting area and put me in a bed.

anyways. the recovery period is so horrible. it was fine with i was still under anesthesia. not much pain, just uncomfortable. but as anesthesia and sedation faded, i experience extreme nausea and soreness and pain. oh so much pain. so much blood too.

the second day is probably worse than first day. my cheeks were twice the size, there is still some bleeding. and oh the pain... i have never taken so much strong pain pills in my life. hydrocodon-acetaminophen 10 - 500. thats some serious pain killers. thanks to these goodies, i slept most of day friday and saturday.

damn it, its been 3 days and all ive had is rice soup and mash potatoes. mcdonalds is having their limited time mcribs. why?! why now!? i looove mcribs!! but i cant even open my mouth because my cheeks are extremely swollen and my jaw is so sore!!! and, im so sick of the taste of blood. my lower left extraction site keeps bleeding. its not sever enough to call the dentist, but is is definitely enough for me to taste it. constantly.

my cheeks are still super swollen. i have to go to work tomorrow. bummer. have to go back to the dentist on friday for a follow up. sigh... im kinda scared to get braces now. because i need to get 2 (possibly 4) more teeth pulled.

|| [ 雪子 ] ||

Saturday, November 6, 2010


为什么我对你付出那么多,在我最需要你的时候, 你却不在我身边? 你说你已经和我讲过这件事, 我这样说你不公平。但你觉得这对我公平吗?我何以上完一天班后晚上开两个小时的车过去看你,第二天早上五点开两个小时车回来。 那是因为我很在乎你。 你呢? 你却不可以和一个跟你没什么来往的朋友说不行。这样对我公平吗?这些我都跟你说明白了, 你却还是不愿意说这次是你错了。 你对我说对不起, 但你的对不起有什么意义? 你根本不觉得自己有错,下次你还不是一样会丢下我。。。

|| [ 雪子 ] ||